Saturday, February 22, 2025

How niche games gain a cult following

Niche games have been a part of the video game world for a long time. The problem with niche games is that they often don’t have the opportunity to gain huge amounts of success. This is because they have a naturally limited audience due to them being part of a niche. However, there are some games that manage to pull out of this niche and gain a cult following. There are even some niche games that manage to become mainstream hits, although these are a huge rarity. How does this happen? We have taken a close look.

Top level design

This is something that some niche games overlook. Having high-quality design at every stage of development means that the game will instantly have a better chance of gaining a following. By being slightly different from other games, but also having solid design, players can connect with the game in terms of enjoyment. Just take a look at some Slingo reviews to see how playability is valued much more by players than flashy graphics and add-ons.

It’s why back in an earlier generation of gaming that a game about scuba diving and enjoying the scenery became quite popular. While it didn’t offeranything in terms of challenge, it involved players having to make their way around the ocean bed and taking in the beauty that the game portrayed. It was relaxing but wasn’t really a game in the truest sense of the word. The high-quality design of the game ensured that players could feel immersed in the game and that helped it to become popular.

Controversial subject matter

While it seems like you can’t go around a corner without seeing a zombie game in the modern era, it wasn’t always the case. Back in the 90s, a game for the SNES and Genesis caused a lot of controversy with parents. Zombies Ate My Neighbors was a top-down shooting game that involvedchildren having to make their way around a neighborhood to escapefrom zombies. It was slick, well-designed and enjoyable to play. It was also violent at a time when violent games were attacked in the press and by pressure groups.

Ironically, this controversy helped the game gaina cult followingover the years. While the standard of the game was quite high, it’s likely that it wouldn’t have become a cult hit all these years later. In fact, it’s so well regarded that a remake for modern consoles is available.

This controversy also helped another game, Manhunt, achieve similar levels of infamy years later for the PS2. Both of these games were niche games that likely wouldn’t have experiencedhigh levels of success. However, the outrage in the press meant that many more people were aware of the games. This helped to increase sales and meant that many more people played these games over the years. Manhunt is unlikely to get a remake at this point, but Zombies Ate My Neighbors is proof that controversy can lead to success.

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